Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Quest Love tweet warning OWS about riot gets brused off. @Itoldyouso

Got this from the Metro New York

Questlove predicted Occupy Wall Street raid

Published: November 15, 2011 5:55 p.m.
Last modified: November 15, 2011 6:02 p.m.
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No, he didn't look into his crystal ball or have any sort of premonition. He just saw thousands of riot police and gave the Occupy Wall Street protesters a heads up. Only that they didn't listen to him.

The Roots' drummer tweeted "Omg, drivin down south st near #ows. Something bout to go down yo, swear I counted 1000 riot gear cops bout to pull sneak attack #carefulyall."

Occupy Wall Street protesters brushed the information off saying it was just the change of shift.

"If its shift changes so be it. they always watch yall in the thousands like that?" Questlove tweeted back at them.

We all know what happened next.

NYPD arrested more than 150 protesters as they cleared out Zuccotti Park.

"@OccupyWallStNYC wait. so i was right? #ows is being raided?" Questlove then tweeted.

"told yall! tryna make me think i was crazy! i knew i saw what i saw. i was tryna downplay it 1ce tweets were discrediting me. but i swear i saw like 6 city blocks of nothing but riot gear cops under my bridge. this was like 11 pm. i live down here so i know the police climate," he wrote.

He also said that "#OWS needs a better lookout system."

On Tuesday a judge ruled against the Occupy Wall Street protesters and decided they can return to Zuccotti Park, but they cannot erect tents and tarps.

So lesson learned: Next time always listen to what the drummer of the beloved hip hop/soul band has to say. 

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